A blog about photography, news, interesting links, articles, useful infos and...more... Created by Mario Bucolo
October 29, 2009
we travel but...
Google Wave for photographers
October 28, 2009
The Photographer's Ephemeris
Landscape photographers typically wish to plan their shoots around the times of sunrise/sunset or twilight, or alternatively when the moon is in a particular place in a particular phase.
While times of sunrise etc. are readily available on various sites on the internet (direction of sunrise etc. less so, but still readily found), there are fewer programs available which combine such information with a topographical map allowing the photographer to match the astronomical to the location.
A typical use might be to determine when the sun will set along the axis of a mountain valley, or when a full moon rise will rise across a lake.
The application uses Google Maps providing users the ability to select a location and determine the time and azimuth of sunrise or sunset for a given date or dates
The Apple iPhone with the new camera, with geo-localization softwares, slideshow etc is now a very useful device to go for many photographers.
Now there is an interesting free application called iFolio. In iFolio photographers can publish a selection of their portfolio, 50 photos maximum. Of course it is possible to split the portfolio by themes.
iFolio allow to browse the portfolio both on-line and off-line, in this case using the iPhone cache memory.
Who love photography can browse many portfolios.
Photographers can update in real time their portfolio, there is a server side free application to update. Of course for any photographer there are contact info and professional profile.
It is possible to browse photos in a portfolio all together in gallery mode, or in single mode using a slideshow or the classic touch gesture.
Artist are listed on the base of a ranking system. The ranking is related to how many users add an artist as a favorite one…there is also my portfolio inside…so please if you like it…
More info on iFolio from this page: