App Store

December 17, 2008

Photographer's Rights is a very useful source of information on Photographer's Right

December 2, 2008

Thomas Reichart, R.I.P.

32 years old Photographer Thomas Reichart died on Mt Etna yesterday. R.I.P.

November 19, 2008

November 12, 2008

airport outlet wiki

Intersting wiki site to find an outlet in airports by Microsoft (sigh) evangelist Jeff Sandquist

November 2, 2008

not only photos

It's not about photos...but this website is very useful for editorial (web or traditional) purposes.

October 15, 2008

Geograph British Isles

The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland.
Over 1 million photos

September 11, 2008


As veteran travel photographer Susan McCartney often points out, "It's best to photograph outdoors when your shadow is longer than you are".

August 16, 2008

Geotagging on Aperture

Maperture is a plugin combining the power of Aperture and Google Maps for geotagging in Aperture, and it is free!

Where to rent a lens online

Intersting article about how and where to rent a lens online.

July 31, 2008

From Beijing

A very useful blog for who are on the go to Beijing or just only want to be update on photographics side.

July 22, 2008

July 3, 2008

June 20, 2008

Dian Fossey

National Geographics reprint original articles about gorillas by Dian Fossey. Here original photos.

Apple TV for your photos

An intersting article on how to use Apple TV to watch your photos...better than watch a TV show!

June 18, 2008


Waiting for the new iPhone 3g with A-gps on board, here a useful guide for geotagging photos on a mac. Here another page for Geotagging with a PALM.
Here a very useful web site about Geocaching.

Security and photographer rights

Bruce Schneier, a security expert write a post about security and photographers.
He publish 3 intersting links about "photographer rights" in Uk, US and Australia.
I suggest to download documents and keep it in your bag.

June 17, 2008


Questo è il primo post di un blog che nasce come promemoria delle informazioni interessanti trovate o segnalatemi sul settore della fotografia. Spero che possa tornare utile anche ad altri colleghi fotografi, sia professionisti che dilettanti.
Essendo spesso all'estero molti post saranno in inglese, vorrete scusarmi di questo. Comunque il mio inglese è molto spaghetti...english quindi...non preoccupatevi più di tanto.


This is the first post published here. This blog born as a memo for my passion and new profession in photography. I will publish news, web site, tips & tricks and any other useful information. I hope it help many friends and colleagues.
Many post will be in my...spaghetti-English, so, sorry in advance for any error.
